At Kosher Tape Plus, we believe in making a difference in the way our Chabad customers, in nearly every state and in many countries around the world, label their gifts and packages.
We have custom designed beautiful stickers special for Yomim Tovim and Shabbasim year-round. These stickers can be customized with your name and organization name. They are available in gold and silver foil (shiny or matte), brown kraft, and white.
We believe in adding a special touch when it comes to handing out food and gifts during Yom Tov and all year. These customizable stickers are excellent for complementing all your special packages and gifts.
In addition to our customizable stickers, we also stock some pre-printed chabad products. We have our generic “Good Shabbos” sticker which is a three inch circle, brown kraft material, with black ink. We also have rolls of Chabad kosher stickers in red, green, and blue as well as pre-printed Chabad kosher tape in blue ink.
All our Chabad kashrus related stickers are designed with our Chabad clients in mind, so that all food packages can be clearly marked and sealed with a vaild siman.
We would love for you to share with us how you use our custom stickers to enhance your packages!